(协议或法律文件中易于被忽略但重要的)小号字印刷的附加条款 the important details of an agreement or a legal document that are usually printed in small type and are therefore easy to miss
Read all the small print before signing. 把小号字印刷的附加条款全部看过以后再签字。
N-UNCOUNT (合同、协议中用小号字体印刷的)附属细则(可能含有容易忽略或不易理解的不利条件) The small print of a contract or agreement is the part of it that is written in very small print. You refer to it as the small print especially when you think that it might include unfavourable conditions which someone might not notice or understand.
Read the small print in your contract to find out exactly what you are insured for. 请阅读合同中的附属细则,以便弄清您究竟参保的是哪一种。
He got out his map of Yorkshire and hunched over it to read the small print. 他拿出约克郡地图,弓身趴在上面努力看清那些细小的字体。
You are advised to read the small print of household and motor insurance policies. 建议阅读家庭财产和汽车保险单中的附属细则。
I'm looking at the small print; I don't want to sign anything that I shouldn't sign 我正在看附属细则,我可不想签署任何不应该签署的东西。
Read the small print in your contract to find out exactly what you are insured for. 请阅读合同中的附属细则,以便弄清您究竟参保的是哪一种。
The small print has forced me, years before my time, to buy spectacles 印刷文字过小迫使我早早就要买眼镜戴。
Reading small print strains the eyes. 看小字累眼睛。
I can't read small print without my glasses. 没有眼睛,我看不见这么小的印刷字体。
Perhaps it's a matter of age, but I have difficulty in discerning small print. 或许是年纪的问题,我分辨小字有困难。
The results may not be fatal, but they are damaging enough and no government, in this climate, is going to tell people just to read the small print. 这样做的后果可能不是致命的,但却具有足够大的破坏性,而在这样的环境下,没有一个政府会告诉人们去阅读产品协议细则。
A little dining room; a small house; read the small print; a little ( or small) group. 小饭厅;小房子;阅读小册子;一个小的(或很小的)团体。
You should always remember to read the small print below the main body of an advertisement. 你要永远记住去阅读广告正文下面的小字。
I've noticed that they are using the small print lately. 我发现最近小号字体很流行。
We bought the house without reading the small print and found later that the contract prevented us from building a garage. 我们在没读小体字部分的情况下买下了房子,事后却发现契约上不允许我们修建车库。
Small print tries your eyes. 小字体考验你的眼力。
At first sight, it may look like a generous offer, but always read the small print. 乍看上去,那似乎是一个慷慨的奉送,但别忘了阅读用小号字体印刷的内容。
Make sure you read all the small print before sign. 一定要先看清小号字体印刷部分再签字。
Most people can't read small print without glasses when they get on in years. 大多数人一上了年纪,不戴眼镜就看不清细小的印刷字体。
Don't sign anything until you've read the small print. 在你详读附属细则之前不要签署任何东西。
It is advisable to read the small print on your policy. 读一下保险单上的附属细则是明智的。
Everyone seems to be reviewing procedures and they say clients are taking fresh interest in reading the small print. 大家似乎都在审视业务程序,同时,据说客户现在对阅读详尽条款有了兴趣。
When I pass away I hope to merit three lines of small print in the Imperial gazette. 等到我去世时,我希望在帝国的公报上能登上三行小小的公告,提一下我的功过就行了。
Don't strain your eyes by reading such small print. 不要读这么小的字,会累坏你的眼睛的。
Very small print is bad for the eyes. 极小的印刷字体对视力有害。
Small print in documents can contain traps for the unwary. 文件中的小号印刷字体可能藏有给粗心人设下的陷阱。
When you take out insurance, read the small print. 办理保险手续时请阅读小号铅字所写的内容。
You signed up and you read the small print on the contract. 你们在合同上签字画押了,并逐字阅读了合约上的每一条细则。
The details of the extra charges were buried in the small print. 额外费用的细节隐藏在附属细则中。
Small print warns that their accounts will be debited for months to come. 小号字附加条款则警告,账款会在几个月后记入其帐户的借方。
There must be small print at the bottom of the ad. 广告的最下面一定有用极小字体印刷的附属细则。
Do you always put on glasses when you read such small print? 你每次读这种小号字体的印刷品时总是戴上眼镜的吗?